1. Car Washing Dos And Don’ts

    Regularly washing your vehicle is just one of the many duties that come along with owning, renting, and/or driving a car. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, dirt, grime, bird droppings, tree sap, and other natural and unnatural substances will find their way to your car...and they’ll stick. T…Read More

  2. Can Bugs and Birds Damage My Car That Badly?

    Imagine you’ve just gone on a long car trip—long enough that, even though you left bright and early, you didn’t get to your destination until the middle of the night. While we are happy to hear that you arrived safely, the issue is now the front of your car. Driving through the night means you…Read More

  3. Top Car Care Tips

    We all know how important it is to care for our cars, but this is oftentimes a chore we leave for later. However, now that the colder weather is just around the corner, it’s time to actually buckle down and do the maintenance we have put off for our cars. And, of course, the hotter months usually …Read More

  4. How was the Vacuum Invented?

    Vacuums are extremely important when it comes to keeping everything in our lives nice and clean. Without these reliable tools, we would likely have dirt and dust all over our homes, our clothes, our cars, and our furniture. Since both regular and car vacuums seem to be something that we take for gra…Read More

  5. Why Do Monthly Unlimited Car Washes?

    Whether you are someone who meticulously cleans their car each week or you think that a little rain counts as a car wash, we have the perfect solution for you. Crazy Clean Car Wash is happy to offer you a single car wash at a time, but we would be delighted to provide you with our unlimited car wash…Read More

  6. Does Water Quality Matter for Car Washes?

    All car washes, regardless of where they are located, rely on water in order to keep business running as usual. However, not all water is created equal! Just as some people like to run their water through a filter before they drink it, we make sure to only use the purest water for cleaning your vehi…Read More

  7. Tips for Vacuuming Your Car

    You love your car, and you want to make sure that it remains looking and performing at its best! That’s why you take it in regularly to get an oil change, to have the tires rotated, to get it washed, etc. However, when was the last time you vacuumed your car? Even if you did vacuum your car recent…Read More

  8. When to Wash Your Car After a Paint Job

    Congratulations on the new paint job! It always feels great to get something as dear to us as our cars painted and touched up in a way that fits our style. If you are considering a paint job for your vehicle, or if you are going to be getting one soon, it’s important to think ahead about what you …Read More

  9. Ways to Deep Clean the Interior of Your Car

    When your car is getting dirty, it’s time to take it to Crazy Clean Car Wash in Odessa! We have three convenient locations to meet your needs and busy schedule, and we also offer our car vacuum for free after you get the exterior of your car cleaned. However, a sparkling exterior doesn’t always …Read More

  10. How Often Should You Wash Your Car?

    Chances are you don’t wash your car every week, but we also hope you aren’t the kind of person who waits around for someone to scratch the words, “Clean me!” into your rear windshield before you take your car to the car wash. However, many people don’t know when the right time is between t…Read More